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The project’s goals will be implemented through the establishment of an academic R&D center which will be part of an ecosystem consisting of a number of significant anchors: a knowledge-rich industrial park, a technological boarding school, and housing complexes with advanced infrastructure. The ecosystem will be a platform for R&D, education, and settlement for those people to operate in his field.

Academy. The establishment of a leading academic R&D center in master’s degree, doctorate, and post-doctorate courses in the fields of computer science and exact sciences.

Technological Boarding School. Creation of a technological boarding school that will train the next generation of engineers in Israel.

Knowledge-Intensive Industries Park. The establishment of a large and developed employment center in the Negev which will act as an engine for the economic growth of the city and the region.

Housing Complexes. Construction of housing complexes with advanced infrastructures for academic staff, students, and boarding school students.

The project’s goals will be implemented through the establishment of an academic R&D center which will be part of an ecosystem consisting of a number of significant anchors: a knowledge-rich industrial park, a technological boarding school, and housing complexes with advanced infrastructure. The ecosystem will be a platform for R&D, education, and settlement for those people to operate in his field.

Academy. The establishment of a leading academic R&D center in master’s degree, doctorate, and post-doctorate courses in the fields of computer science and exact sciences.

Technological Boarding School. Creation of a technological boarding school that will train the next generation of engineers in Israel.

Knowledge-Intensive Industries Park. The establishment of a large and developed employment center in the Negev which will act as an engine for the economic growth of the city and the region.

Housing Complexes. Construction of housing complexes with advanced infrastructures for academic staff, students, and boarding school students.

Artist Concept

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